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Weather forecast in Porto-Novo, Benin

Porto-Novo, current weather: clear, no precipitation is expected for the next 2 hours. Air temperature +25°, feels like +28°. Wind speed 1.5 Meters per second, south-westerly. Pressure 753 millimeters of mercury. Humidity 82%. Daytime water temperature +28°. Sunrise 07:04, Sunset 18:51. This time yesterday +25°

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Next week

rain · +32⁠…⁠+34⁠° · light winds at 5 m⁠/⁠s with gusts up to 10 m⁠/⁠s

Weather forecast for tomorrow: +23⁠…⁠+33⁠° · partly cloudy, no precipitation · light winds at 2⁠–⁠5 m⁠/⁠s with gusts up to 9 m⁠/⁠s

Weather forecast for today: +23⁠…⁠+33⁠° · partly cloudy, no precipitation · light winds at 3⁠–⁠5 m⁠/⁠s with gusts up to 9 m⁠/⁠s

Wind speed 1.5 Meters per second, south-westerly, Light. Humidity 82%, High. Pressure 753 millimeters of mercury, Normal

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Porto-Novo, Benin: Hourly forecast.

  • 1 am: +26°, clear, Feels like +30°.

  • 2 am: +25°, clear, Feels like +29°.

  • 3 am: +25°, clear, Feels like +29°.

  • 4 am: +24°, overcast, Feels like +27°.

  • 5 am: +24°, partly cloudy, Feels like +28°.

  • 6 am: +23°, partly cloudy, Feels like +26°.

  • 7 am: +23°, overcast, Feels like +27°.

  • Sunrise 13 January 07:04 am

  • 8 am: +24°, overcast, Feels like +27°.

  • 9 am: +26°, overcast, Feels like +29°.

  • 10 am: +28°, partly cloudy, Feels like +31°.

  • 11 am: +30°, mostly clear, Feels like +33°.

  • 12 pm: +32°, overcast, Feels like +35°.

  • 1 pm: +33°, overcast, Feels like +36°.

  • 2 pm: +33°, partly cloudy, Feels like +35°.

  • 3 pm: +33°, mostly clear, Feels like +35°.

  • 4 pm: +33°, partly cloudy, Feels like +34°.

  • 5 pm: +32°, overcast, Feels like +33°.

  • 6 pm: +31°, overcast, Feels like +33°.

  • Sunset 13 January 06:51 pm

  • 7 pm: +29°, partly cloudy, Feels like +32°.

  • 8 pm: +28°, partly cloudy, Feels like +31°.

  • 9 pm: +28°, overcast, Feels like +31°.

  • 10 pm: +28°, overcast, Feels like +32°.

  • 11 pm: +27°, overcast, Feels like +31°.

  • Tuesday, 12 am: +27°, overcast, Feels like +31°.

  • 1 am: +27°, overcast, Feels like +32°.

  • 2 am: +26°, overcast, Feels like +30°.

  • 3 am: +26°, overcast, Feels like +30°.

  • 4 am: +26°, mostly clear, Feels like +31°.

  • 5 am: +25°, mostly clear, Feels like +29°.

  • 6 am: +25°, partly cloudy, Feels like +29°.

  • 7 am: +24°, overcast, Feels like +28°.

  • Sunrise 14 January 07:04 am

  • 8 am: +25°, partly cloudy, Feels like +29°.

  • 9 am: +27°, partly cloudy, Feels like +31°.

  • 10 am: +29°, partly cloudy, Feels like +33°.

  • 11 am: +31°, light rain, Feels like +34°. Probability of precipitation 70%

  • 12 pm: +32°, light rain, Feels like +35°. Probability of precipitation 40%

  • 1 pm: +33°, light rain, Feels like +36°. Probability of precipitation 70%

  • 2 pm: +33°, light rain, Feels like +35°. Probability of precipitation 50%

  • 3 pm: +33°, light rain, Feels like +35°. Probability of precipitation 40%

  • 4 pm: +33°, light rain, Feels like +35°. Probability of precipitation 70%

  • 5 pm: +32°, mostly clear, Feels like +34°.

  • 6 pm: +31°, mostly clear, Feels like +33°.

  • Sunset 14 January 06:51 pm

  • 7 pm: +30°, mostly clear, Feels like +33°.

  • 8 pm: +28°, clear, Feels like +31°.

  • 9 pm: +28°, clear, Feels like +31°.

  • 10 pm: +28°, clear, Feels like +32°.

  • 11 pm: +28°, clear, Feels like +32°.

Air quality forecast


Consider reducing intense outdoor activities if you experience symptoms such as sore eyes, coughing, or a sore throat.

  • AQI199
  • AQI176
  • AQI165
  • AQI163
  • AQI164
  • AQI163
  • AQI163
  • AQI163

Weather forecast for Today, 13 January: in the morning air temperature +26°, feels like +30°, partly cloudy, wind speed 2.9 meters per second, north-westerly, humidity 78%, pressure 754 millimeters of mercury; in the afternoon +33°, feels like +35°, partly cloudy, wind speed 5.3 meters per second, south-westerly, humidity 51%, pressure 753 millimeters of mercury; in the evening +29°, feels like +31°, partly cloudy, wind speed 4.9 meters per second, southerly, humidity 70%, pressure 753 millimeters of mercury; in the night +27°, feels like +31°, partly cloudy, wind speed 2.4 meters per second, south-westerly, humidity 84%, pressure 753 millimeters of mercury; uv index: 6, high; magnetic field: quiet; daytime water temperature +29°; sunrise 7:04 am; sunset 6:51 pm; daylight hours: 11 hr 47 min

Weather forecast for Tomorrow, 14 January: in the morning air temperature +27°, feels like +31°, light rain, wind speed 3 meters per second, north-westerly, humidity 81%, pressure 754 millimeters of mercury; in the afternoon +33°, feels like +35°, light rain, wind speed 5.5 meters per second, southerly, humidity 57%, pressure 752 millimeters of mercury; in the evening +29°, feels like +31°, mostly clear, wind speed 5 meters per second, southerly, humidity 72%, pressure 752 millimeters of mercury; in the night +27°, feels like +31°, mostly clear, wind speed 2.5 meters per second, south-westerly, humidity 82%, pressure 753 millimeters of mercury; uv index: 3, moderate; magnetic field: quiet; daytime water temperature +29°; sunrise 7:04 am; sunset 6:51 pm; daylight hours: 11 hr 47 min

Weather forecast for Wednesday, 15 January: in the morning air temperature +28°, feels like +31°, light rain, wind speed 3.7 meters per second, south-westerly, humidity 77%, pressure 754 millimeters of mercury; in the afternoon +33°, feels like +36°, light rain, wind speed 5.5 meters per second, south-westerly, humidity 59%, pressure 752 millimeters of mercury; in the evening +30°, feels like +33°, mostly clear, wind speed 4.9 meters per second, southerly, humidity 72%, pressure 752 millimeters of mercury; in the night +27°, feels like +31°, partly cloudy, wind speed 2.5 meters per second, south-westerly, humidity 84%, pressure 754 millimeters of mercury; uv index: 6, high; magnetic field: quiet; daytime water temperature +29°; sunrise 7:05 am; sunset 6:52 pm; daylight hours: 11 hr 47 min

Weather forecast for Thursday, 16 January: in the morning air temperature +28°, feels like +33°, partly cloudy, wind speed 2.5 meters per second, north-westerly, humidity 80%, pressure 757 millimeters of mercury; in the afternoon +33°, feels like +37°, partly cloudy, wind speed 4.9 meters per second, south-westerly, humidity 56%, pressure 755 millimeters of mercury; in the evening +30°, feels like +34°, mostly clear, wind speed 3.2 meters per second, southerly, humidity 76%, pressure 754 millimeters of mercury; in the night +27°, feels like +31°, mostly clear, wind speed 2.7 meters per second, south-westerly, humidity 86%, pressure 756 millimeters of mercury; uv index: 7, high; daytime water temperature +29°; sunrise 7:05 am; sunset 6:52 pm; daylight hours: 11 hr 47 min

Weather forecast for Friday, 17 January: in the morning air temperature +28°, feels like +32°, partly cloudy, wind speed 3 meters per second, north-westerly, humidity 80%, pressure 757 millimeters of mercury; in the afternoon +33°, feels like +35°, light rain, wind speed 5.8 meters per second, south-westerly, humidity 59%, pressure 756 millimeters of mercury; in the evening +30°, feels like +34°, mostly clear, wind speed 3.5 meters per second, southerly, humidity 76%, pressure 755 millimeters of mercury; in the night +28°, feels like +33°, light rain, wind speed 2.9 meters per second, south-westerly, humidity 85%, pressure 757 millimeters of mercury; uv index: 3, moderate; daytime water temperature +29°; sunrise 7:05 am; sunset 6:53 pm; daylight hours: 11 hr 48 min

Weather forecast for Saturday, 18 January: in the morning air temperature +28°, feels like +31°, light rain, wind speed 3.7 meters per second, westerly, humidity 79%, pressure 758 millimeters of mercury; in the afternoon +33°, feels like +35°, light rain, wind speed 5.4 meters per second, south-westerly, humidity 60%, pressure 757 millimeters of mercury; in the evening +29°, feels like +32°, light rain, wind speed 4 meters per second, south-westerly, humidity 77%, pressure 756 millimeters of mercury; in the night +28°, feels like +32°, light rain, wind speed 3.2 meters per second, south-westerly, humidity 83%, pressure 757 millimeters of mercury; daytime water temperature +28°; sunrise 7:05 am; sunset 6:53 pm; daylight hours: 11 hr 48 min

Weather forecast for Sunday, 19 January: in the morning air temperature +28°, feels like +32°, light rain, wind speed 3.4 meters per second, westerly, humidity 80%, pressure 758 millimeters of mercury; in the afternoon +32°, feels like +35°, light rain, wind speed 4.9 meters per second, south-westerly, humidity 65%, pressure 758 millimeters of mercury; in the evening +29°, feels like +32°, light rain, wind speed 3.5 meters per second, southerly, humidity 75%, pressure 756 millimeters of mercury; in the night +27°, feels like +31°, light rain, wind speed 3 meters per second, south-westerly, humidity 85%, pressure 757 millimeters of mercury; daytime water temperature +28°; sunrise 7:06 am; sunset 6:54 pm; daylight hours: 11 hr 48 min

Weather forecast for Monday, 20 January: in the morning air temperature +28°, feels like +32°, light rain, wind speed 2.9 meters per second, south-westerly, humidity 82%, pressure 758 millimeters of mercury; in the afternoon +32°, feels like +35°, rain, wind speed 4.1 meters per second, south-westerly, humidity 64%, pressure 757 millimeters of mercury; in the evening +29°, feels like +33°, rain, wind speed 3 meters per second, southerly, humidity 76%, pressure 756 millimeters of mercury; in the night +27°, feels like +31°, partly cloudy, wind speed 2.7 meters per second, south-westerly, humidity 85%, pressure 757 millimeters of mercury; daytime water temperature +28°; sunrise 7:06 am; sunset 6:54 pm; daylight hours: 11 hr 48 min

Weather forecast for Tuesday, 21 January: in the morning air temperature +28°, feels like +32°, light rain, wind speed 2.7 meters per second, north-westerly, humidity 83%, pressure 758 millimeters of mercury; in the afternoon +32°, feels like +35°, light rain, wind speed 4.1 meters per second, southerly, humidity 63%, pressure 757 millimeters of mercury; in the evening +29°, feels like +33°, light rain, wind speed 3 meters per second, southerly, humidity 77%, pressure 756 millimeters of mercury; in the night +27°, feels like +31°, partly cloudy, wind speed 3 meters per second, south-westerly, humidity 85%, pressure 757 millimeters of mercury; daytime water temperature +28°; sunrise 7:06 am; sunset 6:54 pm; daylight hours: 11 hr 48 min

Weather forecast for Wednesday, 22 January: in the morning air temperature +28°, feels like +32°, partly cloudy, wind speed 2.7 meters per second, westerly, humidity 81%, pressure 758 millimeters of mercury; in the afternoon +32°, feels like +34°, partly cloudy, wind speed 4.4 meters per second, southerly, humidity 57%, pressure 757 millimeters of mercury; in the evening +29°, feels like +33°, partly cloudy, wind speed 3 meters per second, southerly, humidity 76%, pressure 757 millimeters of mercury; in the night +28°, feels like +32°, partly cloudy, wind speed 3.2 meters per second, southerly, humidity 82%, pressure 757 millimeters of mercury; daytime water temperature +29°; sunrise 7:06 am; sunset 6:55 pm; daylight hours: 11 hr 49 min

Weather in Porto-Novo — FAQ

What is the weather today in Porto-Novo?

The weather in Porto-Novo today: partly cloudy, with an air temperature of +29°.

What will the weather in Porto-Novo be like tomorrow?

The weather in Porto-Novo tomorrow: light rain, with an air temperature of +30°.

What is the usual weather in Porto-Novo in January?

In January, the weather in Porto-Novo is usually partly cloudy, with an average air temperature of +31°.

What is the air pollution level in Porto-Novo right now?

The air pollution level in Porto-Novo is currently low, measuring 171.

What is the coldest month in Porto-Novo?

The coldest month in Porto-Novo is September, with an average air temperature of +27°.

What is the hottest month in Porto-Novo?

The hottest month in Porto-Novo is December, with an average air temperature of +31°.

Discover Porto-Novo's weather update: +25° now, reaching a high of +33° and a low of +23°. Prepare for the day ahead with our reliable forecast, ensuring you're ready for any temperature changes. Whether you're indoors or outdoors, stay in the know about Porto-Novo's weather conditions.

Weather forecast for tomorrow: +23⁠…⁠+33⁠° · partly cloudy, no precipitation · light winds at 2⁠–⁠5 m⁠/⁠s with gusts up to 9 m⁠/⁠s. Weather forecast for today: +23⁠…⁠+33⁠° · partly cloudy, no precipitation · light winds at 3⁠–⁠5 m⁠/⁠s with gusts up to 9 m⁠/⁠s

Weather forecast for Today, 13 January: in the morning air temperature +26°, feels like +30°, partly cloudy, wind speed 2.9 meters per second, north-westerly, humidity 78%, pressure 754 millimeters of mercury; in the afternoon +33°, feels like +35°, partly cloudy, wind speed 5.3 meters per second, south-westerly, humidity 51%, pressure 753 millimeters of mercury; in the evening +29°, feels like +31°, partly cloudy, wind speed 4.9 meters per second, southerly, humidity 70%, pressure 753 millimeters of mercury; in the night +27°, feels like +31°, partly cloudy, wind speed 2.4 meters per second, south-westerly, humidity 84%, pressure 753 millimeters of mercury; uv index: 6, high; magnetic field: quiet; daytime water temperature +29°; sunrise 7:04 am; sunset 6:51 pm; daylight hours: 11 hr 47 min

Weather forecast for Tomorrow, 14 January: in the morning air temperature +27°, feels like +31°, light rain, wind speed 3 meters per second, north-westerly, humidity 81%, pressure 754 millimeters of mercury; in the afternoon +33°, feels like +35°, light rain, wind speed 5.5 meters per second, southerly, humidity 57%, pressure 752 millimeters of mercury; in the evening +29°, feels like +31°, mostly clear, wind speed 5 meters per second, southerly, humidity 72%, pressure 752 millimeters of mercury; in the night +27°, feels like +31°, mostly clear, wind speed 2.5 meters per second, south-westerly, humidity 82%, pressure 753 millimeters of mercury; uv index: 3, moderate; magnetic field: quiet; daytime water temperature +29°; sunrise 7:04 am; sunset 6:51 pm; daylight hours: 11 hr 47 min