Palikir, current weather: partly cloudy, no precipitation is expected for the next 2 hours. Air temperature +27°, feels like +28°. Wind speed 5.7 Meters per second, easterly. Pressure 754 millimeters of mercury. Humidity 81%. Daytime water temperature +30°. Sunrise 05:46, Sunset 17:33. This time yesterday +27°
Weather forecast in Palikir, The Federated States of Micronesia
Palikir, The Federated States of Micronesia: Hourly forecast.
8 pm: +28°, partly cloudy, Feels like +30°.
9 pm: +27°, partly cloudy, Feels like +28°.
10 pm: +27°, partly cloudy, Feels like +29°.
11 pm: +28°, overcast, Feels like +31°.
Saturday, 12 am: +27°, partly cloudy, Feels like +29°.
1 am: +27°, light rain, Feels like +29°. Probability of precipitation 20%
2 am: +27°, mostly clear, Feels like +29°.
3 am: +27°, overcast, Feels like +28°.
4 am: +27°, overcast, Feels like +28°.
5 am: +27°, overcast, Feels like +28°.
Sunrise 25 January 05:46 am
6 am: +28°, overcast, Feels like +29°.
7 am: +28°, partly cloudy, Feels like +29°.
8 am: +30°, overcast, Feels like +32°.
9 am: +30°, light rain, Feels like +32°. Probability of precipitation 20%
10 am: +30°, light rain, Feels like +32°. Probability of precipitation 20%
11 am: +30°, light rain, Feels like +32°. Probability of precipitation 70%
12 pm: +30°, light rain, Feels like +32°. Probability of precipitation 50%
1 pm: +30°, rain, Feels like +32°. Probability of precipitation 40%
2 pm: +29°, light rain, Feels like +31°. Probability of precipitation 40%
3 pm: +29°, light rain, Feels like +31°. Probability of precipitation 50%
4 pm: +28°, light rain, Feels like +30°. Probability of precipitation 60%
5 pm: +27°, light rain, Feels like +29°. Probability of precipitation 70%
Sunset 25 January 05:33 pm
6 pm: +27°, light rain, Feels like +29°. Probability of precipitation 70%
7 pm: +27°, light rain, Feels like +29°. Probability of precipitation 60%
8 pm: +27°, rain, Feels like +29°. Probability of precipitation 40%
9 pm: +26°, light rain, Feels like +27°. Probability of precipitation 40%
10 pm: +26°, light rain, Feels like +28°. Probability of precipitation 40%
11 pm: +26°, light rain, Feels like +28°. Probability of precipitation 60%
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Weather forecast for 10 days in Palikir, The Federated States of Micronesia
Air quality forecast
The air quality is good. Enjoy your usual outdoor activities.
- AQI — 50
- AQI — 48
- AQI — 49
- AQI — 50
- AQI — 52
- AQI — 55
- AQI — 55
- AQI — 53
Weather forecast for Today, 24 January: in the morning air temperature +28°, feels like +28°, rain, wind speed 8.3 meters per second, easterly, humidity 81%, pressure 755 millimeters of mercury; in the afternoon +28°, feels like +29°, thunderstorm with rain, wind speed 7.9 meters per second, easterly, humidity 80%, pressure 753 millimeters of mercury; in the evening +27°, feels like +28°, light rain, wind speed 6.5 meters per second, easterly, humidity 83%, pressure 754 millimeters of mercury; in the night +27°, feels like +28°, light rain, wind speed 6.6 meters per second, easterly, humidity 82%, pressure 754 millimeters of mercury; uv index: 3, moderate; magnetic field: quiet; daytime water temperature +30°; sunrise 5:46 am; sunset 5:33 pm; daylight hours: 11 hr 47 min
Weather forecast for Tomorrow, 25 January: in the morning air temperature +29°, feels like +31°, light rain, wind speed 6.5 meters per second, easterly, humidity 75%, pressure 755 millimeters of mercury; in the afternoon +29°, feels like +31°, rain, wind speed 6.4 meters per second, easterly, humidity 79%, pressure 753 millimeters of mercury; in the evening +27°, feels like +29°, rain, wind speed 6.3 meters per second, easterly, humidity 87%, pressure 754 millimeters of mercury; in the night +26°, feels like +28°, light rain, wind speed 5.9 meters per second, easterly, humidity 89%, pressure 753 millimeters of mercury; uv index: 3, moderate; magnetic field: minor storm; daytime water temperature +30°; sunrise 5:46 am; sunset 5:33 pm; daylight hours: 11 hr 47 min
Weather forecast for Sunday, 26 January: in the morning air temperature +27°, feels like +30°, rain, wind speed 4.9 meters per second, easterly, humidity 85%, pressure 754 millimeters of mercury; in the afternoon +28°, feels like +31°, rain, wind speed 4.5 meters per second, easterly, humidity 84%, pressure 753 millimeters of mercury; in the evening +26°, feels like +28°, light rain, wind speed 5 meters per second, easterly, humidity 90%, pressure 754 millimeters of mercury; in the night +26°, feels like +28°, light rain, wind speed 4.9 meters per second, easterly, humidity 89%, pressure 753 millimeters of mercury; uv index: 3, moderate; magnetic field: quiet; daytime water temperature +30°; sunrise 5:46 am; sunset 5:33 pm; daylight hours: 11 hr 47 min
Weather forecast for Monday, 27 January: in the morning air temperature +28°, feels like +31°, light rain, wind speed 5.5 meters per second, easterly, humidity 86%, pressure 754 millimeters of mercury; in the afternoon +28°, feels like +30°, light rain, wind speed 6 meters per second, easterly, humidity 82%, pressure 753 millimeters of mercury; in the evening +27°, feels like +30°, light rain, wind speed 5 meters per second, easterly, humidity 89%, pressure 754 millimeters of mercury; in the night +26°, feels like +29°, light rain, wind speed 4.8 meters per second, easterly, humidity 90%, pressure 754 millimeters of mercury; uv index: 3, moderate; magnetic field: quiet; daytime water temperature +29°; sunrise 5:46 am; sunset 5:34 pm; daylight hours: 11 hr 48 min
Weather forecast for Tuesday, 28 January: in the morning air temperature +29°, feels like +32°, rain, wind speed 6.5 meters per second, north-easterly, humidity 83%, pressure 754 millimeters of mercury; in the afternoon +29°, feels like +31°, thunderstorm with rain, wind speed 6.5 meters per second, easterly, humidity 83%, pressure 754 millimeters of mercury; in the evening +28°, feels like +31°, light rain, wind speed 5.5 meters per second, north-easterly, humidity 87%, pressure 755 millimeters of mercury; in the night +27°, feels like +29°, light rain, wind speed 5.9 meters per second, north-easterly, humidity 87%, pressure 754 millimeters of mercury; uv index: 3, moderate; daytime water temperature +29°; sunrise 5:46 am; sunset 5:34 pm; daylight hours: 11 hr 48 min
Weather forecast for Wednesday, 29 January: in the morning air temperature +29°, feels like +31°, light rain, wind speed 6.5 meters per second, north-easterly, humidity 80%, pressure 755 millimeters of mercury; in the afternoon +30°, feels like +33°, overcast, wind speed 6.1 meters per second, north-easterly, humidity 79%, pressure 753 millimeters of mercury; in the evening +27°, feels like +29°, overcast, wind speed 5.6 meters per second, north-easterly, humidity 88%, pressure 754 millimeters of mercury; in the night +26°, feels like +27°, overcast, wind speed 6.1 meters per second, north-easterly, humidity 87%, pressure 754 millimeters of mercury; daytime water temperature +29°; sunrise 5:46 am; sunset 5:34 pm; daylight hours: 11 hr 48 min
Weather forecast for Thursday, 30 January: in the morning air temperature +29°, feels like +31°, overcast, wind speed 6.6 meters per second, north-easterly, humidity 79%, pressure 754 millimeters of mercury; in the afternoon +30°, feels like +32°, light rain, wind speed 6.3 meters per second, north-easterly, humidity 76%, pressure 753 millimeters of mercury; in the evening +28°, feels like +30°, rain, wind speed 6.1 meters per second, north-easterly, humidity 83%, pressure 753 millimeters of mercury; in the night +27°, feels like +29°, rain, wind speed 5.9 meters per second, north-easterly, humidity 85%, pressure 753 millimeters of mercury; daytime water temperature +29°; sunrise 5:46 am; sunset 5:35 pm; daylight hours: 11 hr 49 min
Weather forecast for Friday, 31 January: in the morning air temperature +29°, feels like +31°, rain, wind speed 7 meters per second, north-easterly, humidity 82%, pressure 754 millimeters of mercury; in the afternoon +30°, feels like +32°, rain, wind speed 7 meters per second, north-easterly, humidity 81%, pressure 753 millimeters of mercury; in the evening +28°, feels like +30°, light rain, wind speed 6.9 meters per second, easterly, humidity 88%, pressure 753 millimeters of mercury; in the night +27°, feels like +28°, rain, wind speed 7.3 meters per second, north-easterly, humidity 89%, pressure 753 millimeters of mercury; daytime water temperature +29°; sunrise 5:46 am; sunset 5:35 pm; daylight hours: 11 hr 49 min
Weather forecast for Saturday, 1 February: in the morning air temperature +29°, feels like +30°, light rain, wind speed 7.8 meters per second, easterly, humidity 81%, pressure 753 millimeters of mercury; in the afternoon +30°, feels like +31°, overcast, wind speed 7.6 meters per second, easterly, humidity 78%, pressure 753 millimeters of mercury; in the evening +28°, feels like +29°, overcast, wind speed 7.5 meters per second, easterly, humidity 85%, pressure 753 millimeters of mercury; in the night +27°, feels like +28°, overcast, wind speed 7.1 meters per second, easterly, humidity 85%, pressure 753 millimeters of mercury; daytime water temperature +29°; sunrise 5:46 am; sunset 5:35 pm; daylight hours: 11 hr 49 min
Weather forecast for Sunday, 2 February: in the morning air temperature +29°, feels like +30°, light rain, wind speed 8 meters per second, easterly, humidity 81%, pressure 753 millimeters of mercury; in the afternoon +30°, feels like +31°, light rain, wind speed 8.1 meters per second, easterly, humidity 80%, pressure 753 millimeters of mercury; in the evening +28°, feels like +29°, light rain, wind speed 8 meters per second, easterly, humidity 86%, pressure 753 millimeters of mercury; in the night +27°, feels like +29°, light rain, wind speed 6.3 meters per second, easterly, humidity 91%, pressure 755 millimeters of mercury; daytime water temperature +29°; sunrise 5:46 am; sunset 5:36 pm; daylight hours: 11 hr 50 min
Weather forecast Palikir, The Federated States of Micronesia for the next month
Get the weather forecast for the next 30 days, including january and february. There's a separate page where you can view the daytime and nighttime air temperature, precipitation, the number of sunny days, air pressure, and humidity.
View the monthly weather forecastWeather forecast on maps Palikir, The Federated States of Micronesia
Weather Palikir, The Federated States of Micronesia: radar, precipitation and lightning map online
Weather Palikir, The Federated States of Micronesia: snow depth on the map
Weather Palikir, The Federated States of Micronesia: temperature map online
Weather Palikir, The Federated States of Micronesia: wind speed and direction on a map
Weather Palikir, The Federated States of Micronesia: atmospheric pressure on a map
El Niño and La Niña: What They Are, Differences
Weather in Palikir — FAQ
What is the weather today in Palikir?
The weather in Palikir today: thunderstorm with rain, with an air temperature of +28°.
What will the weather in Palikir be like tomorrow?
The weather in Palikir tomorrow: rain, with an air temperature of +29°.
What is the usual weather in Palikir in January?
In January, the weather in Palikir is usually clear, with an average air temperature of +28°.
What is the air pollution level in Palikir right now?
The air pollution level in Palikir is currently low, measuring 49.
What is the coldest month in Palikir?
The coldest month in Palikir is December, with an average air temperature of +28°.
What is the hottest month in Palikir?
The hottest month in Palikir is December, with an average air temperature of +28°.
Discover Palikir's weather update: +27° now, reaching a high of +29° and a low of +27°. Prepare for the day ahead with our reliable forecast, ensuring you're ready for any temperature changes. Whether you're indoors or outdoors, stay in the know about Palikir's weather conditions.
Weather forecast for the weekend: rain · winds at 6 m/s with gusts up to 12 m/s · +28…+30°. Weather forecast for today: light rain is expected at night, from 1:00 to 2:00 · winds at 5–6 m/s with gusts up to 10 m/s · +27…+28°. Weather forecast for tomorrow: rain · winds at 6 m/s with gusts up to 12 m/s · +26…+30°
Weather forecast for Today, 24 January: in the morning air temperature +28°, feels like +28°, rain, wind speed 8.3 meters per second, easterly, humidity 81%, pressure 755 millimeters of mercury; in the afternoon +28°, feels like +29°, thunderstorm with rain, wind speed 7.9 meters per second, easterly, humidity 80%, pressure 753 millimeters of mercury; in the evening +27°, feels like +28°, light rain, wind speed 6.5 meters per second, easterly, humidity 83%, pressure 754 millimeters of mercury; in the night +27°, feels like +28°, light rain, wind speed 6.6 meters per second, easterly, humidity 82%, pressure 754 millimeters of mercury; uv index: 3, moderate; magnetic field: quiet; daytime water temperature +30°; sunrise 5:46 am; sunset 5:33 pm; daylight hours: 11 hr 47 min
Weather forecast for Tomorrow, 25 January: in the morning air temperature +29°, feels like +31°, light rain, wind speed 6.5 meters per second, easterly, humidity 75%, pressure 755 millimeters of mercury; in the afternoon +29°, feels like +31°, rain, wind speed 6.4 meters per second, easterly, humidity 79%, pressure 753 millimeters of mercury; in the evening +27°, feels like +29°, rain, wind speed 6.3 meters per second, easterly, humidity 87%, pressure 754 millimeters of mercury; in the night +26°, feels like +28°, light rain, wind speed 5.9 meters per second, easterly, humidity 89%, pressure 753 millimeters of mercury; uv index: 3, moderate; magnetic field: minor storm; daytime water temperature +30°; sunrise 5:46 am; sunset 5:33 pm; daylight hours: 11 hr 47 min