Breckenridge, current weather: clear, no precipitation is expected for the next 2 hours. Air temperature -21°, feels like −31°. Wind speed 8.2 Meters per second, westerly. Pressure 502 millimeters of mercury. Humidity 63%. Sunrise 07:20, Sunset 17:09. This time yesterday −15°
Weather forecast in Breckenridge, United States
What type of warnings are you interested in?
Weather forecast for tomorrow: −5°, 13° warmer than today · light snow · winds at 10–13 m/s with gusts up to 24 m/s
Weather forecast for the week: snow · winds at 10–13 m/s with gusts up to 24 m/s · it will warm up to −2°
Weather forecast for today: winds at 9 m/s with gusts up to 16 m/s · −26…−18° · clear, no precipitation
the pressure will rise by 10 mm to 513 mm of mercury
Weather forecast for the weekend: it will warm up to −6° · snowfall · winds at 5–7 m/s with gusts up to 20 m/s
pressure will increase by 13 mm to 517 mm of mercury
This week
pressure will increase by 12 mm to 512 mm of mercury
Wind speed 8.2 Meters per second, westerly, Moderate. Humidity 63%, Normal. Pressure 502 millimeters of mercury, Low
Data sources
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Breckenridge, United States: Hourly forecast.
4 pm: -20°, mostly clear, Feels like -31°.
5 pm: -21°, mostly clear, Feels like -32°.
Sunset 20 January 05:09 pm
6 pm: -23°, clear, Feels like -34°.
7 pm: -24°, clear, Feels like -35°.
8 pm: -25°, clear, Feels like -35°.
9 pm: -26°, clear, Feels like -36°.
10 pm: -26°, clear, Feels like -36°.
11 pm: -27°, clear, Feels like -36°.
Tuesday, 12 am: -28°, clear, Feels like -37°.
1 am: -28°, mostly clear, Feels like -37°.
2 am: -28°, mostly clear, Feels like -37°.
3 am: -27°, mostly clear, Feels like -36°.
4 am: -27°, mostly clear, Feels like -37°.
5 am: -26°, mostly clear, Feels like -35°.
6 am: -26°, mostly clear, Feels like -35°.
7 am: -25°, mostly clear, Feels like -34°.
Sunrise 21 January 07:19 am
8 am: -23°, partly cloudy, Feels like -33°.
9 am: -18°, partly cloudy, Feels like -28°.
10 am: -14°, partly cloudy, Feels like -24°.
11 am: -10°, partly cloudy, Feels like -21°.
12 pm: -8°, overcast, Feels like -19°.
1 pm: -6°, light snow, Feels like -17°. Probability of precipitation 20%
2 pm: -5°, light snow, Feels like -15°. Probability of precipitation 20%
3 pm: -5°, light snow, Feels like -16°. Probability of precipitation 20%
4 pm: -6°, overcast, Feels like -17°.
5 pm: -8°, light snow, Feels like -18°. Probability of precipitation 20%
Sunset 21 January 05:10 pm
6 pm: -10°, light snow, Feels like -22°. Probability of precipitation 20%
7 pm: -11°, light snow, Feels like -23°. Probability of precipitation 20%
8 pm: -11°, light snow, Feels like -23°. Probability of precipitation 20%
9 pm: -10°, light snow, Feels like -22°. Probability of precipitation 20%
10 pm: -10°, light snow, Feels like -22°. Probability of precipitation 20%
11 pm: -11°, mostly clear, Feels like -24°.
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Weather forecast for 10 days in Breckenridge, United States
Air quality forecast
The air quality is good. Enjoy your usual outdoor activities.
- AQI — 38
- AQI — 42
- AQI — 44
- AQI — 44
- AQI — 44
- AQI — 44
- AQI — 44
- AQI — 44
Weather forecast for Today, 20 January: in the morning air temperature -21°, feels like −30°, snow, wind speed 8.1 meters per second, north-westerly, humidity 68%, pressure 501 millimeters of mercury; in the afternoon -19°, feels like −30°, light snow, wind speed 9.8 meters per second, north-westerly, humidity 52%, pressure 499 millimeters of mercury; in the evening -25°, feels like −36°, clear, wind speed 9.8 meters per second, north-westerly, humidity 53%, pressure 500 millimeters of mercury; in the night -27°, feels like −37°, mostly clear, wind speed 9 meters per second, westerly, humidity 45%, pressure 506 millimeters of mercury; uv index: 2, low; magnetic field: quiet; sunrise 7:20 am; sunset 5:09 pm; daylight hours: 9 hr 49 min
Weather forecast for Tomorrow, 21 January: in the morning air temperature -19°, feels like −30°, partly cloudy, wind speed 9.8 meters per second, north-westerly, humidity 42%, pressure 511 millimeters of mercury; in the afternoon -6°, feels like −17°, light snow, wind speed 10.6 meters per second, north-westerly, humidity 31%, pressure 514 millimeters of mercury; in the evening -11°, feels like −23°, light snow, wind speed 12.3 meters per second, westerly, humidity 35%, pressure 509 millimeters of mercury; in the night -12°, feels like −25°, light snow, wind speed 13.1 meters per second, westerly, humidity 47%, pressure 505 millimeters of mercury; uv index: 3, moderate; magnetic field: quiet; daytime water temperature 0°; sunrise 7:19 am; sunset 5:10 pm; daylight hours: 9 hr 51 min
Weather forecast for Wednesday, 22 January: in the morning air temperature -13°, feels like −25°, light snow, wind speed 11.5 meters per second, north-westerly, humidity 58%, pressure 505 millimeters of mercury; in the afternoon -13°, feels like −24°, snow, wind speed 10.8 meters per second, north-westerly, humidity 61%, pressure 504 millimeters of mercury; in the evening -17°, feels like −27°, light snow, wind speed 9.6 meters per second, north-westerly, humidity 66%, pressure 504 millimeters of mercury; in the night -19°, feels like −28°, light snow, wind speed 7.6 meters per second, north-westerly, humidity 71%, pressure 505 millimeters of mercury; uv index: 3, moderate; magnetic field: quiet; daytime water temperature 0°; sunrise 7:19 am; sunset 5:11 pm; daylight hours: 9 hr 52 min
Weather forecast for Thursday, 23 January: in the morning air temperature -17°, feels like −27°, light snow, wind speed 9.6 meters per second, north-westerly, humidity 66%, pressure 506 millimeters of mercury; in the afternoon -12°, feels like −23°, clear, wind speed 10.6 meters per second, north-westerly, humidity 54%, pressure 507 millimeters of mercury; in the evening -18°, feels like −27°, mostly clear, wind speed 8.1 meters per second, westerly, humidity 61%, pressure 500 millimeters of mercury; in the night -16°, feels like −26°, light snow, wind speed 9 meters per second, westerly, humidity 66%, pressure 502 millimeters of mercury; uv index: 3, moderate; daytime water temperature 0°; sunrise 7:18 am; sunset 5:13 pm; daylight hours: 9 hr 55 min
Weather forecast for Friday, 24 January: in the morning air temperature -9°, feels like −18°, light snow, wind speed 8.6 meters per second, westerly, humidity 58%, pressure 505 millimeters of mercury; in the afternoon -4°, feels like −14°, snow, wind speed 9.3 meters per second, westerly, humidity 60%, pressure 510 millimeters of mercury; in the evening -7°, feels like −14°, snow, wind speed 6 meters per second, south-westerly, humidity 74%, pressure 505 millimeters of mercury; in the night -10°, feels like −17°, snow, wind speed 5.6 meters per second, south-westerly, humidity 75%, pressure 510 millimeters of mercury; uv index: 3, moderate; daytime water temperature 0°; sunrise 7:18 am; sunset 5:14 pm; daylight hours: 9 hr 56 min
Weather forecast for Saturday, 25 January: in the morning air temperature -9°, feels like −17°, snow, wind speed 7 meters per second, southerly, humidity 67%, pressure 512 millimeters of mercury; in the afternoon -9°, feels like −18°, snow, wind speed 7.5 meters per second, southerly, humidity 65%, pressure 515 millimeters of mercury; in the evening -12°, feels like −20°, snow, wind speed 7 meters per second, southerly, humidity 72%, pressure 510 millimeters of mercury; in the night -15°, feels like −23°, snow, wind speed 6.6 meters per second, southerly, humidity 74%, pressure 519 millimeters of mercury; daytime water temperature 0°; sunrise 7:17 am; sunset 5:15 pm; daylight hours: 9 hr 58 min
Weather forecast for Sunday, 26 January: in the morning air temperature -12°, feels like −19°, snow, wind speed 5.4 meters per second, south-westerly, humidity 69%, pressure 525 millimeters of mercury; in the afternoon -7°, feels like −14°, snow, wind speed 5.9 meters per second, westerly, humidity 70%, pressure 524 millimeters of mercury; in the evening -12°, feels like −18°, snow, wind speed 4.4 meters per second, south-westerly, humidity 77%, pressure 519 millimeters of mercury; in the night -17°, feels like −24°, snow, wind speed 5.5 meters per second, south-westerly, humidity 75%, pressure 512 millimeters of mercury; daytime water temperature 0°; sunrise 7:16 am; sunset 5:16 pm; daylight hours: 10 hr 0 min
Weather forecast for Monday, 27 January: in the morning air temperature -14°, feels like −21°, clear, wind speed 5.5 meters per second, south-westerly, humidity 68%, pressure 508 millimeters of mercury; in the afternoon -8°, feels like −15°, clear, wind speed 5.5 meters per second, westerly, humidity 56%, pressure 510 millimeters of mercury; in the evening -13°, feels like −20°, clear, wind speed 5 meters per second, south-westerly, humidity 67%, pressure 503 millimeters of mercury; in the night -20°, feels like −27°, clear, wind speed 5 meters per second, south-westerly, humidity 69%, pressure 501 millimeters of mercury; daytime water temperature 0°; sunrise 7:15 am; sunset 5:17 pm; daylight hours: 10 hr 2 min
Weather forecast for Tuesday, 28 January: in the morning air temperature -13°, feels like −20°, clear, wind speed 5.1 meters per second, south-westerly, humidity 59%, pressure 500 millimeters of mercury; in the afternoon -6°, feels like −14°, clear, wind speed 6 meters per second, westerly, humidity 53%, pressure 498 millimeters of mercury; in the evening -11°, feels like −18°, clear, wind speed 5.6 meters per second, westerly, humidity 68%, pressure 495 millimeters of mercury; in the night -18°, feels like −25°, clear, wind speed 5.4 meters per second, south-westerly, humidity 67%, pressure 503 millimeters of mercury; daytime water temperature 0°; sunrise 7:15 am; sunset 5:18 pm; daylight hours: 10 hr 3 min
Weather forecast for Wednesday, 29 January: in the morning air temperature -11°, feels like −18°, mostly clear, wind speed 4.8 meters per second, south-westerly, humidity 55%, pressure 505 millimeters of mercury; in the afternoon -3°, feels like −10°, light snow, wind speed 5 meters per second, south-westerly, humidity 54%, pressure 507 millimeters of mercury; in the evening -8°, feels like −14°, snow, wind speed 4.5 meters per second, south-westerly, humidity 67%, pressure 508 millimeters of mercury; in the night -13°, feels like −21°, snow, wind speed 6 meters per second, south-westerly, humidity 66%, pressure 505 millimeters of mercury; daytime water temperature 0°; sunrise 7:14 am; sunset 5:20 pm; daylight hours: 10 hr 6 min
Weather forecast Breckenridge, United States for the next month
Get the weather forecast for the next 30 days, including january and february. There's a separate page where you can view the daytime and nighttime air temperature, precipitation, the number of sunny days, air pressure, and humidity.
View the monthly weather forecastWeather forecast on maps Breckenridge, United States
Weather Breckenridge, United States: radar, precipitation and lightning map online
Weather Breckenridge, United States: snow depth on the map
Weather Breckenridge, United States: temperature map online
Weather Breckenridge, United States: wind speed and direction on a map
Weather Breckenridge, United States: atmospheric pressure on a map
Greenhouse gases: The invisible drivers of climate change
Weather in Breckenridge — FAQ
What is the weather today in Breckenridge?
The weather in Breckenridge today: snow, with an air temperature of −21°.
What will the weather in Breckenridge be like tomorrow?
The weather in Breckenridge tomorrow: light snow, with an air temperature of −12°.
What is the usual weather in Breckenridge in January?
In January, the weather in Breckenridge is usually clear, with an average air temperature of −8°.
What is the air pollution level in Breckenridge right now?
The air pollution level in Breckenridge is currently low, measuring 43.
What is the coldest month in Breckenridge?
The coldest month in Breckenridge is December, with an average air temperature of −8°.
What is the hottest month in Breckenridge?
The hottest month in Breckenridge is July, with an average air temperature of +15°.
Discover Breckenridge's weather update: −21° now, reaching a high of −18° and a low of −26°. Prepare for the day ahead with our reliable forecast, ensuring you're ready for any temperature changes. Whether you're indoors or outdoors, stay in the know about Breckenridge's weather conditions.
Weather forecast for tomorrow: −5°, 13° warmer than today · light snow · winds at 10–13 m/s with gusts up to 24 m/s. Weather forecast for the week: snow · winds at 10–13 m/s with gusts up to 24 m/s · it will warm up to −2°. Weather forecast for today: winds at 9 m/s with gusts up to 16 m/s · −26…−18° · clear, no precipitation. Weather forecast for the weekend: it will warm up to −6° · snowfall · winds at 5–7 m/s with gusts up to 20 m/s
Weather forecast for Today, 20 January: in the morning air temperature -21°, feels like −30°, snow, wind speed 8.1 meters per second, north-westerly, humidity 68%, pressure 501 millimeters of mercury; in the afternoon -19°, feels like −30°, light snow, wind speed 9.8 meters per second, north-westerly, humidity 52%, pressure 499 millimeters of mercury; in the evening -25°, feels like −36°, clear, wind speed 9.8 meters per second, north-westerly, humidity 53%, pressure 500 millimeters of mercury; in the night -27°, feels like −37°, mostly clear, wind speed 9 meters per second, westerly, humidity 45%, pressure 506 millimeters of mercury; uv index: 2, low; magnetic field: quiet; sunrise 7:20 am; sunset 5:09 pm; daylight hours: 9 hr 49 min
Weather forecast for Tomorrow, 21 January: in the morning air temperature -19°, feels like −30°, partly cloudy, wind speed 9.8 meters per second, north-westerly, humidity 42%, pressure 511 millimeters of mercury; in the afternoon -6°, feels like −17°, light snow, wind speed 10.6 meters per second, north-westerly, humidity 31%, pressure 514 millimeters of mercury; in the evening -11°, feels like −23°, light snow, wind speed 12.3 meters per second, westerly, humidity 35%, pressure 509 millimeters of mercury; in the night -12°, feels like −25°, light snow, wind speed 13.1 meters per second, westerly, humidity 47%, pressure 505 millimeters of mercury; uv index: 3, moderate; magnetic field: quiet; daytime water temperature 0°; sunrise 7:19 am; sunset 5:10 pm; daylight hours: 9 hr 51 min